Sing with us!

We're on our break for summer, but we'll start rehearsals for the annual Christmas concerts on Monday, Sept 9, 2024. To join the fun, show up at the Twitchell Chapel at Bridgton Academy at 6:00pm — that's all it takes! Concert dates are May 17th and 19th.

Becoming a member

As LRCC members, we love to sing and share our enthusiasm and love of music with our community. Anyone who enjoys singing choral music is welcome to join. No auditions or entrance exams are required! We sign up new members at the beginning of rehearsals for each session, around Labor Day and again around February 1st. Watch for posters like the one below around town or articles in the Bridgton News and other local papers. Or join our email list on the left for notification.

Members rehearse on Monday evenings, 6:30-8:30 at the Bridgton Academy chapel in North Bridgton for about 15 weeks before each concert. We then sing in concert on a Friday evening and Sunday afternoon. A membership fee of $25 per session helps cover the cost of music. For more information, email us at